Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 22nd

--Cardio, 40 min total on the treadmill....kicked my bootay.

--Weight workout--bicpes and chest. i must I must I must increase my bust! LOL!

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 21st

I know I know...it's been a long time. In my defense, I did work out on the 9th, but never recorded it, so for what it's worth...

Also, Judah got sick one the 10th, like sick sick, with the flu, and then, just when he was getting better, I got it, bad as well. and it knocked me out for over a week. the flu part only lasted for a bit, but then I just couldn't get my strength back. so today I'm officially back on the wagon!

--Cardio, 5 minutes on the cross trainer, and 25 on the treadmill. It hurt like a mother getting back on there again, but I stuck it out for the time I had committed to it.

Monday, April 7, 2008

April 7th

did cardio with Brady again today. I did 10 min on the cross-trainer, 20 on the treadmill, and then 6 more on the cross trainer! It was a success to me, b/c I haven't ever been able to do a considerable amount of time on the cross trainer, b/c it hurts like a mother. so this was good!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 5th

--Cardio, did treadmill, eliptical, and bicycle today.

Brady has what we call Exercise ADD, and likes to switch machines often, which is good for me, b/c I'm just about sick to death of the treadmill. The elliptical hurt like a mother.....my legs are nowhere string enough to handle that for very long. The bike was good, but I still feel like the best bang for my buck in going to be the treadmill for now. But it felt good to do over 40 min. of cardio and not get super bored with one thing or another!

April 4th

--cardio with Brady today. YAY!

I weighed in, b/c my original weigh in's were on Friday, so I decided to.

I'm officially down 20 pounds!! weight is at 288.5!

I was on cloud 9 until Brent came home from his trip to the gym, and had officially passed me, and now weighs less than I do. Ugh. that kindof threw me into a dark depression. I had NO motivation to go to the gym at all after that, a felt like saying screw it all and going to In-n-Out for a double double and some fries, animal style. But I didn't. and I went back to the gym today, and probably will tomorrow. I've still got such a long hard road ahead of me, and it is hard to see Brent so far ahead of me. Not that I want him to slow down or stop, by all means.....it's just frustrating when you're working as hard as I am, to be by myself.

Friday, April 4, 2008

April 3rd

just did Cardio today. increased my running up to 1 minute and 15 seconds for each 5 minutes. it buuuuuuurrrrrned!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2nd

--Cardio 30 min, I keep doing my circuit type running/walking thing. It really kills me.....but I'm going to try to increase my running time up to 1 1/2 min each.

--Weight workout-bi's and chest

Aril 1st

I keep forgetting to post my workouts!!!

--Cardio, 40 min, w. warm up and cool down, weight workout, tri's and back

Saturday, March 29, 2008

March 27th

I keep forgetting to journal my workouts. probably b/c I've been eating horribly this week, and I know that I wont lose anything. oh well.

After our i-Group on Thursday night, Brent shoved me out the door to go to the gym. I really didn't want to go, but I'm glad I did. I just walked and jogged for 30 minutes. It burned, but felt good to be there and get it done!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 25th

did cardio, ran again. man...it made my legs hurt like a mother! Also did a weight workout with Brent, shoulders and abs. Felt good. Plan on going back today after taking yesterday off!

OH, and I weighed in (everything is back to normal at our gym) and I was back down a pound and a half, to where I was before I gained the birthday weight...so, back on track, here we go again!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March 24th

--weight workout--bi's and chest, legs

something electrical is going on at our gym, the treadmills were all down today, and the elipticals were all busy.....I almost turned around and left, but Judah was doing the kids aerobics, and having a blast, so I decided to just do weights....I am getting tired of the tv's not working, and it being so quiet there. Brent and I are going this afternoon together, I am going to call before we go to make sure everything is up and running, if it's not, I may crack some skulls....or just ask for a discount on our next months dues. It's pretty lame we're paying for a gym that's running at 10%....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

March 23rd

--just did cardio today....32 min.

I actually ran for the very first time in a LOOOOOONG time today. I was at the gym late, there were like 4 people there, and I decided..,what the hell?!? So at the 10, 15, 20, 25, &29 minute marks, I ran for 1 minute! It's not much, but it is a start!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

March 19th

just did a cardio warmup today with a weight workout of back and tri's.....I had an emotional day, and that was all I had to give. gonna try to do more serious cardio today.

Monday, March 17, 2008

March 17th

--Cardio, 30 min, treadmill

--weight workout--legs...ugh!

weighed in today....w/ only 2 workouts last week, and pretty much doing whatever and eating whatever I wanted (it was my birthday!! I can do whatever I want, right??) I totally paid for it. I gained 1.5 pounds. Well, it was a good week, and I had fun, but it's back on the right track. (oh, and Brent weighed the same as last week, so I don't feel too bad....)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 12th

--Cardio 25 min.....treadmill

--weight workout--shoulders and abs. ugh.

I am pooped. my body isn't feeling so good right now, and I had to give up on the treadmill after 'not as long as I wanted to go'. For women, there are a few workouts every month that you dread....these workouts have been H.E.L.L. for me. Literally one of the hardest things I've done in a while...but I know that my body will thank me for pushing through it when it's all said and done...that is until next month. Someone please tell me I'm old enough to get a hysterectomy....

Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10th

--Cardio-treadmill, 30 min, including warm up and cool down

--Weight workout--chest and biceps. Brent made me use free weights with him. They killed me!!

*~*~*~*~*~WEIGHT LOSS CHECK IN*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I decided to weigh in today....it's been so long since I did it last, and today is 2 months since I started working out and trying to eat healthier. So the results, after 2 months, is.........17.5 pounds!!

I was glad to see that I had lost weight, despite our vacation. I guess it just goes to show that I am making healthier decisions across the board, even when I'm not "dieting" or exercising. So that is a little over 2 pounds a week, which is what doctors and nutritionists describe as "Healthy Weight Loss" and you are supposed to be more likely to keep it off if you lose it at that pace! Yay!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Mar. 6th

--Cardio, 20 min on treadmill....it was kicking my butt yesterday. ugh

--Weight workout--tri's and back

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mar. 4th

I'm back baby! Vacation was great, but I didn't go to the gym AT ALL. I totally slacked. oh well. it's over now, and now I just have to get back into it! so.....

--Cardio, treadmill, 35 minutes. varying inclines and speed.....

it was alot harder than I thought it would be to start again. UGH!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feb. 20th

--Cardio Treadmill 32 min. Did 2 more sets at 10% incline of 5 min. each

I think Brent and I are going to go back together tonight for a weight workout.

Feb. 19th

--Cardio 30 min. including warm up and cool down

--Weight workout--chest and bicpes

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feb. 18th

--Cardio, 30 min on Treadmill. W/in the 30 min, I did 2 5 min. sessions at 10% incline. That burned, and it felt like my heart might leap out of my chest....you know, in a good way,I suppose!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Feb. 15th

--warm up, 8 min on treadmill

--heavy weight workout tonight. We missed a couple days of weights, so we tried to catch up. We did shoulders, legs, and abs, all around. Too wasted to do cardio after that.

Weighed in tonight, against my better judgment, Brent was weighing in, so I decided to also, even though I had decided to do only every other Friday. Well, I'm glad I did weigh in! I am down 3 more pounds! Official weight is 296.5. YAY! Something I'm doing is working. I just wish it was the in-n-out burger I had this week. But I have a sneaking suspicion that wasn't it. bummer.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feb. 13th

--Cardio-treadmill 35 min. total including warm up and cool down, alternating inclines and speed.

--weight workout, tri's and back

Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb. 11th

--Cardio, Treadmill--30 min. total, alternating between 2.5 mph@ 7% incline and 3.0 mph @ 3.5% incline

--Weight workout, chest and biceps

felt good to be there with Brent. But I was bad today. I had In-n-Out for lunch with Tami and the kids. but that is life, right? so I had limited calories the rest of the day.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Feb. 8th

--Treadmill total 30 min. alternating, again...

--Weight workout, legs and abs

I decided to weigh in tonight. I haven't weighed in for 2 weeks, I was really nervous, but I lost 4 pounds!! Which also means, I'm under 300! I weighed in at 299.5. It felt great to not see 300-anything! I never want to go back there again! So, this is working, slow as it may be. The lesson I have learned so far is that the more strict I am with my food and calories, the more I'll lose. It's been hard to stay disciplined, and I'll have to admit, I haven't been counting every single calorie, mostly ballparking it. which leads to this thought process "well, I have about 300 calories left (when I really only would have 260) so I can have that!" multiply that times 3 or 4 times a day, and I go way over. so I really need to start being diligent about being honest with myself about what I am actually putting in my body. I also haven't been getting quite enough water everyday....so I have alot of things to work on...but I'm definitely on my way!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Feb. 7th

--Treadmill 30 min. total including warm up and cool down alternating every 5 minutes with 2.6 mph @ 7% incline--and 3.o mph @ 3.5% incline

--Upper body weight workout, some back, chest, tri's, and a couple leg machines.

one thing I noticed today...exercising makes my cramps go away...for a little bit anyway. That was an unexpected pleasant surprise!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Feb. 5th

--Warm up Treadmill, 10+ min.

--weight workout, shoulders and abs...

--Cardio, Treadmill 17 min. 2.5 mph @ 7 % incline

The abs workout made me feel like I was going to throw up...but the good side is that I felt no neck pain this time!!! So I think I'm cleared to start back up with my regularly scheduled workout routine! It was kinda hard to get back into it, and i took alot of my frustrations out on Brent (what a wonderful man he is....he loves me even when I yell at him at the gym for trying to motivate me). I love you Brent, I'm sorry!! Back in the saddle again.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Feb. 3rd

--Cardio, Treadmill 30 min. back and forth from 2.6 mph @ 7% incline & 3.2 mph @ 3.5% incline.

Felt good to get back into it today...but then I pigged out a little too much at the Superbowl party on some artichoke-spinach-parmesan dip w/ baguette slices....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

a weird week....

It's been just that. It's been hard to get to the gym, for both Brent and me. With Judah being sick and not able to go into the kids care, and me with the whiplash and a semi-stiff neck still, I haven't been to the gym as much as I'd have liked to. We were supposed to have our weigh in last night, but once we found Judah a babysitter ( thank you John and Christy), we both realized we'd rather go on a date instead of going to the gym. So I think we'll either skip weigh in this week, or do it separately today when we go to the gym by ourselves today.

We'll be back on track on some point....I swear!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Jan. 30th

--Cardio, Treadmill 30 min. 2.6 mph @ 7% incline

I was trying to go for 45 minutes, but I started getting a weird cramp in my stomach. I put the incline down to see if it would go away, and it didn't, so I decided that 30 min. was enough for tonight.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jan. 29th

--Cardio-Treadmill, alternating between 2.5 mph @ 7% incline and 3.0 mph @ 3.5% incline--for 30 min. plus cooldown

I figured I'm cleared to exercise....not by a doctor, but I'm feeling fine now, no neck pain at all, so I decided I needed to get back into the swing of things. It sucked, but I know that's b/c it's been a while. Back in the saddle again....

Monday, January 28, 2008

Success in my every day....

I haven't been to the gym since Fri. night. I was doing situps, and realized that it was hurting my neck really bad. I figured I had better take it easy, and not hurt myself. I'm planning on going today, although, now that Judah is sick, he can't go to the day care area, so it's going to take a little bit more planning on my part to get there.

This brings me to my title. Success. How do you measure it? Is success reaching my goal weight? Is success losing a certain amount of weight every month/week? Is success sticking to a diet for a month w/o cheating even once? I would say yes, all of those are successes. But my dear friend Emily made me realize something last week. All of those goals are so giant. They are all so far away. If I concentrate on those, and ONLY those, I will most definitely get discouraged. I need to be able to see the successes I have every day, in my everyday life.

Do I go to McD's for lunch, or drive home and have a chicken salad sandwich? I choose the chicken salad! SUCCESS!

Do I sit on my butt and watch tv this afternoon or head to the gym, if only for a 30 min. cardio workout? I choose the gym! SUCCESS!

Do I have a bowl of popcorn for a snack or a bowl of veggies? I choose the veggies! SUCCESS!

At church, do I eat the donut that is staring at me or do I make sure I eat breakfast before church so that I'm not tempted and hungry? I choose Breakfast at home! SUCCESS!

This has really been a change of heart for me. The number on the scale may not always say what I want it to, or even what I expect it to. But I CAN control what I do, and what I choose. I can choose to be successful every day with every choice that I make. I can achieve a success w/o reaching a far-off goal. Every time I make a choice to be healthy, it is a success.

Thank you Em, for helping me understand this and for your support.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Jan. 25th

--Treadmill warm up, 8 min., 2.5 mph @ 7% incline

--leg workout with Brent/some abs

--Cardio, treadmill, 10 min. 2.5 mph @ 7% incline. (I should have pushed myself, but I had to get Judah out before the child care place closed)

Weigh in tonight. I'm not going to lie, I'm disappointed. It was only 1 1/2 pounds. I'm at 303.2. But, it's still a loss, and I'm feeling better about myself. This week I tried super hard to do a better diet, counted calories every day, kept them around 1600-1700. Maybe I just need to do less. I'm not sure.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jan. 24th.

--Treadmill warm up, 8 min. 2.5 mph @ 7% incline

--upper body weight workout, biceps-shoulders-chest

--Cardio, 15 min. treamill, 2.5 mph @ 7 % incline

Weigh in tomorrow. Also probably the first day Brent and I will be able to work out together....ugh. This was a busy week, I'm actually surprised I got in as much work out time as I did.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jan. 22nd

--Treadmill, 27 min. 2.5 mph @ 7.5 incline cool down, 3 min, no incline

Judah wasn't super pumped about being at the gym today, he said he wanted me to come pick him up in 3 minutes! When I got in there to pick him up, he said that next time I can pick him up after 5 minutes! Goofball!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Jan. 21st.

--Treadmill warm up, 10 min., 2.5 mph @ 7 incline.

--weight workout, back and triceps

--cardio 20 min, 2.6 mph @ 7 incline, cool down 3.0 mph @ no incline

Judah did the kids aerobics today too! It was fun watching him in the aerobic room running around and getting some exercise! Definitely a bonus of taking him with me to the gym. I love that he is getting more used to being there. I was also proud of myself, b/c today I did a weight workout w/o Brent, or the trainer. All by myself. I was a little self conscious, but I just powered through it and tried to remember that no one cared what I was doing, and no one was staring at me, even though it always feels like that! LOL! Tomorrow, Brent had another meeting after work, so I am going to do it by myself again. I think tomorrow is legs and shoulders...I need to make up a schedule for that really bad!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Jan. 19th

--Treadmill, 30 min. @ 2.5 mph and 7.0 incline.
Cool down 5 minutes @ 3 mph no incline

Friday, January 18, 2008

Jan. 18th

--Treadmill warm up, 8 minutes 2.7 mph, 7.0 incline.

--weight machine workout--chest, shoulders, abs.

didn't get to cardio...Judah was tired and asked to go potty, and when I got in there, he started to cry and said he needed to take a rest :( poor kid. So I will do extra cardio tomorrow, when I do just cardio.

weigh in tonight. When I weighed in last Friday, I rounded down to 308. But on the scale there, there are decimals, which throw me off....but I think it was actually 308.4. Tonight it was 304.8, which is a 3.6 pound weight loss. Which is more than 2!!! It was frustrating at first (b/c Brent lost 10) but then I thought, 3 pounds a week, is 150 pounds in one year. That would be ok with me!! so I have to think of the big picture, or I'm going to get frustrated! It's a loss! That's all that really matters. And I feel so much better today than I did a week ago. I'm still sore a little bit all over, but it's a good sore, and I know that I'm doing something that is healthy for me, and that is going to make me live a longer and better life!!!

Jan. 17th.

--Treadmill 25 min. 2.6 mph @ 6.5 incline. 3 min. cooldown

I talked with the trainer manager today, he's the one that we did our initial training with. I told him what I was doing, and he said it sounded good. He recommended that I only weigh in every other week, so that I don't get discouraged.....meh. I think I'm going to weigh in today anyway, since I already had it planned, and then I'll start doing it every other week.

I am trying really hard to eat better at home. Haven't eaten anything fast food since Sunday, when I was on the road on the way to pick up Lilah...so that's good. I'm trying to force myself to eat more for breakfast. It literally makes me sick sometimes to eat breakfast. but I'm working on it. This morning I had some coffee and a bowl of real oatmeal with about 2 teaspoons of brown sugar on it. It was actually pretty good, and Judah liked it too. And so far, I'm not feeling sick. So if that works, I'll just do that every morning. But I need to start to wean myself off of Creamer in my coffee.....or just no coffee, I guess!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jan 16th.

--8 min. warm up on treadmill

--upper body workout...triceps, back, shoulders, and biceps

--20 min cardio on treadmill, 2.6 mph--6.5 incline

the weights felt better this time, easier to do more reps. but my legs were sooooooore from yesterday....so the walking really burned. but that's good, right? didn't get to do a cool down, b/c Judah needed to go potty...they can't help the kids in the bathroom in the kid care area, which is a good policy, I assume. but at least I got in everything else! I'm nervous for the weigh in on Friday. If I haven't lost anything, it is going to be hard to be motivated to keep going....I am shooting for at least 2 pounds...come on 2 pounds!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jan. 15th

--8 min. treadmill warm up 2.5 mph @ 6.5 incline

--weight workout legs
Quads, Hams, Calves

--15 min. treadmill 2.5 mph @ 6.5 incline (decreasing incline for cool down)

my feet hurt. I have some real problems with my feet in general, weak ankles, heel spur, plantar fascitis.....and yesterday, after the shoulder workout, I had a neverending headache, which I've decided is my body rejecting exercise! So I just drank my water, and pushed through it. It still hurt a little but today, but tonight it's gone.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Jan. 14th

--Treadmill 25 minutes, 6.5 grade at 2.5 mph.

--shoulder workout with trainer....OUCH!!!

now I'm relaly tired and want to take a nap...didn't get much sleep last night, it was Lilah's first night home, and she's been coughing....I think I'll put in a movie for Judah and take a short snooze!

Jan. 12th

--treadmill, 30 minutes, 25 at 6.5 grade and 2.5 mph, 5 minutes cool down.

no weights today...I don't really know where to start on the weights when I'm there by myself...

Jan. 11th

first workout with a personal trainer. it went well, this is the beginning of a long journey! I'm so glad to get started!


--treadmill 6.5 grade--2.5 mph for 23 min.

--worked triceps and back

--beginning weight: 308 pounds

I don't ever keep pictures of myself, b/c I hate them...so this is about as close as I have for a before picture!